General: Scheurebe is the German equivalent of Sauvignon blanc. The variety is named after Georg Scheu, who crossed it with Riesling and Silvaner at the Landesanstalt für Rebenzüchtung in Alzey in 1916. While its aroma sister Sauvignon blanc quickly gained ground in the country and worldwide, Scheurebe became a niche product. Outside Germany, the variety only has a certain significance in Austria under the term "Sämling 88". Recently, there seems to be a slight upward trend, which may be due to the positive suitability for cultivation in the current climate fluctuations. Currently, about 1.7% or 1,700 ha of German vineyards are planted with Scheurebe.
Cluster: The medium-sized clusters are densely berried, often compactly packed. The berries are medium-sized, round, yellow-green. Taste juicy, with a fruity varietal aroma. Ripeness is about halfway between Silvaner and Riesling, i.e. medium-late.
Wine: The Scheurebe shows its strengths above all in the noble sweet range. Aromatically, it is very close to a muscat-accented Riesling bouquet with lively acidity, which gives these qualities fullness, reverberation and longevity. Due to the thick skin of the berries, the variety is suitable for standing times, which then also bring out the typical currant note.
Cultivation: Scheurebe is comparable to Silvaner in terms of site requirements and is adapted to a variety of soil types. It is insensitive to chlorosis and thus well suited to calcareous and cohesive, clayey soils. Also thrives in stony and dry soils. Strong growth ensures green assimilating leaves for a long time, which only fall from the cane late in autumn.